Inverter Power Control
& Consumption Monitoring
1. Up To 10% Continuous AC Output Overloading Capacity
Sunways inverters have been designed to offer high redundancy due to quality component selection which means 10% more AC output power can be continuously generated. For example, Sunways inverters have a 5kW nominal AC output can allow its maximum power boosted to 5.5KW continuously. This function could be enabled or disabled via the inverter OLED display settings for 5kW Single phase inverters subject to Local DNSP’s requirements.
2. Inverter Power Output Limitation & Control – Static Adjustment
Sunways inverters can be set to limit the inverter output based on a fixed feed in power % ratio. There is no additional devices required to be installed and the power limitation setting can be configured via the inverter OLED screen.

3. Export Power Limitation & Control – Dynamic Adjustment
Sunways inverters have in-built export limitation & control module that allow the inverter to detect real time power flow to the grid. The import/export power details are usually measured by an external CT and (or) a smart meter, and then turned into a signal feeding back to the inverter. When the export control functions are enabled and configured via the OLED screen, the inverter will dynamically adjust power output to achieve export limitation requirements to the grid.
Export Limitation – 20%

Export Limitation – 20%

Extra Export Limitation Features:
• Zero Export Limitation are achievable
• Single Phase inverters also have in-built CT ports which allow mA CT to be wired to the inverters without installing extra meter. For this solution specific CT is required to be sourced by Sunways. Refer to diagram below:
• Single Phase inverters also have in-built CT ports which allow mA CT to be wired to the inverters without installing extra meter. For this solution specific CT is required to be sourced by Sunways. Refer to diagram below:

• Applicable to three phase inverter models with extra CT + meter solutions. Refer to diagram below:

• Applicable to multiple inverters/inverter station installation scenario with Sunways Datalogger + CT + meter solution. Inverters are wired to Sunways DL via RS485 daisy chain configuration. Refer to diagram below:

4. Load & Consumption vs. PV Generation Monitoring

Sunways is designing and will offer a Sunways Smart Energy Kit meter used to monitor PV generation as well as customer’s load energy consumption in real time, 24 hours a day. The Sunways Smart Energy Kit meter will measure both PV generation at inverter output and energy flow at grid point via two CTs methods as shown in the diagram below. All the data will be uploaded to Sunways server and monitoring platform, Calculation will be conducted at the backend to provide accurate PV generation vs. load for home owner to review in real-time. With the Sunways Smart Energy Kit meter successfully configured and installed, the inverter does not require to be energized at night time but data can continue to be uploaded to the monitoring system.